Expand the health and wellness culture of your organization, business or school with one of our engaging, educational and practical presentations on a variety of topics, including:

·      Physical activity
·      Healthy eating
·      Stress management
·      Social wellness
·      Sleep

We also deliver customized presentations to a wide array of groups, both large and small. The focus of these presentations include:

Stress management solutions for healthcare professionals
High patient acuity, long hours and anxious situations have led to unprecedented levels of stress among healthcare professionals. To improve the well-being of those who keep our communities healthy, a new model of stress management is needed in certain hospital and clinical settings. This seminar aims to empower physicians, advanced practice providers, nurses and other clinicians with practical, effective strategies to mitigate stress. From mindfulness to physical activity and nutrition, attendees will unlock an evidence-based toolkit of self-care practices that can be implemented in the healthcare environment. 

Simple lifestyle medicine approaches to improve health
Six out of 10 adults in the United States live with a chronic disease. However, supported by research, lifestyle approaches can play key roles in enhancing health and wellbeing. This presentation will produce evidence behind the main pillars of health and wellness, and deliver a simple and straightforward roadmap to get on the path to healthy behavior change, and to decrease risks for chronic illness.

The effect of a plant-based diet on blood pressure
Hypertension accounts for more cardiovascular disease than any other modifiable risk factor. In fact, it is estimated that one billion people have high blood pressure worldwide, including 80 million adults in the United States. Research has shown that a dietary pattern high in saturated fat, sodium, refined grains and sugars is related to an elevated risk for high blood pressure, and potentially cardiovascular disease. Over time, a poor diet can harm endothelial cells, which can result in narrowing and plaque in coronary arteries, eventually leading to total obstruction and a shortage of oxygen. 

Some studies indicate that a plant-based diet is an effective lifestyle intervention that can positively influence blood pressure levels, and potentially reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases. The nutrition profile of plant-based foods has shown promise in affecting blood pressure through numerous methods, including improved vasodilation, high antioxidant properties, reduced inflammation, enhanced insulin sensitivity and diminished blood viscosity. This presentation will focus on the existing evidence of – and tips for adopting – a plant-based diet, along with lean proteins, as a realistic intervention to help reduce blood pressure and support overall health.

The effects of stress on health and wellbeing
Emerging evidence connects the role of human emotions and health and well-being. Learn how chronic stress can impact the human immune system, as well as chronic diseases. This presentation will deliver compelling evidence connecting the effects of stress on health and wellness, and offer effective, proven practices to enhance emotional wellbeing.

Technology integration in the fitness industry
The rapidly increasing use of apps, wearables and other technology amongst health-seekers and the general population means escalating opportunities for the fitness industry, as well as fitness professionals’ propensity and ability to incorporate it into their practice. Once the fitness industry fully rebounds to pre-pandemic levels, technology will undoubtedly continue to exert influence. A data-driven approach affords fitness professionals the opportunity to zero in on effective, efficient and motivating new ways to coach their clients toward success. This presentation explores the myriad ways in which this digital transformation can yield opportunities for fitness professionals and club owners to assist their clients.